List Of Computer Icons And Their Functions

Here is a quick list of computer terms, most being requests from Tips4pc members. To see more computer definitions please see the Computer Terms page. You can also get a free 59 page PDF Computer Terms Dictionary when you sign up for the Tips4pc newsletter at the bottom of every post.

  1. List Of Computer Functions
  2. List Of Computer Icons And Their Functions Worksheet
  3. List Of Computer Icons And Their Functions Differences
  4. Computer Icons Meanings List
  5. Types Of Computer Icons

Sometimes ago, i get it from good graphic designer, then i put in computer icon category. Possibly, you haven't got these alchemical symbols and their meanings, computer symbols and their meanings and facebook emoticons symbols before, might you can get among them for reference to complete your graphic design. The main components of the desktop are the icons on the desktop and the panel at the bottom of the screen. An Example KDE Desktop. Desktop icons represent files, directories, applications, functions, and removable media, like CDs or DVDs. The desktop has the following icons.

List Of Computer Functions

If you are new to using computers you should also see my article about basic computer terminology which explains computer terms such as software, hardware, and so on, in details.

Basic Computer Terminology:

1. Bit: A binary unit of data storage with only 2 digits 0 and 1.

2. BIOS: Acronym for basic input/output system, the built-in software that determines what a computer can do without accessing programs from a disk.

3. Boot: Another Computer term for “Starting a Computer”. Similarly reboot means restart.

4. Byte: 8 bits of data which has a possible value from 0 to 255.

5. Program: A series of instructions to the computer from a user to process different types of tasks according to our need and necessity.

6. Operating System (OS): An operating system works an interface between User and the hardware. It is basically the platform on which users work. Various OS include Windows, MAC OSX, and Linux etc.

7. Application: Application is program that runs on an Operating System. For ex. music player, browser, messengers etc.

8. Internet: It is a worldwide system of computer networks – a network of networks in which users at any one computer can get information from any other computer.

List Of Computer Icons And Their Functions Worksheet

9. Browser: It is a program that displays the files and data on internet through World Wide Web. Examples Include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.


10. Driver: A specially written program which understands the operation of the device it interfaces to, such as a printer, video card, sound card or CD ROM drive. It provides an interface for the operating system to use the device.

List of computer icons and their functions except

11. File: A collection of data into a permanent storage structure stored on the hard drive.

12. Floppy disk: A very low capacity storage media which can be written to as easily as it is read. It is highly out of date.

List Of Computer Icons And Their Functions Differences

13. Floppy Drive: The hardware component that is used to read or write to a floppy disk.

14. Hardware: Describes the physical parts of your computer which you can physically touch or see such as your monitor, case, disk drives etc.

15. Memory: Used to provide the temporary storage of information function.


16. Network: A general term describing to the cables and electronic components that carry data between computers. It is also generally used to refer to the server computers that provide services such as printing, file sharing, e-mail, and other services.

17. Protocols: A standard method used for communications or other internet and network functions.

18. Security flaw: A software bug allowing an attacker a method to gain unauthorized access to a system.

19. Serial: A data transmission method where data is sent on a single line and one bit is sent at a time. This is similar to a line which one item must come one after another.

20. Software: Describes the programs that run on your system.

21. SPAM: A term used to describe junk and unsolicited e-mail.

Computer Icons Meanings List

22. Storage Media: A term used to describe any magnetic device that computer data can be permanently stored on such as a hard drive or floppy drive.


23. URL: Uniform Resource Locator is the term used to describe a link which points to a location of a file on the internet.

24. Virus: A program that runs on a system against the owner’s or user’s wishes and knowledge and can spread by infecting files or sending itself through e-mail.

25. Vulnerability: Software errors that allow some kind of unauthorized access when they are used or exploited.

26. Word: Two bytes or 16 bits of data with a possible unsigned value from 0 to 16535.

27. Worm: A term used to describe an unwanted program that uses system or application vulnerabilities to infect a computer without the user doing anything but connecting to an infected network.

The computer keyboard is essential to enter characters, numbers, and special characters into your computer. We are all familiar with the QWERTY layout of a modern computer keyboard. The QWERTY name comes from the order of the first six keyboard keys on the top left letter row of the keyboard. This layout was devised and created in the early 1870s by Christopher Latham Sholes, a newspaper editor, printer, and also is the inventor of the first typewriter. In our day to day life, we used different symbols and special characters on our computer keyboard to perform various tasks. But most of us don’t know the keyboard symbols names and meanings of our computer keyboard. There is not much use to remember all the names of keyboard symbols names for our day to day activities. But things may change if you want to explain a technical problem in your keyboard to a technician. Sometimes, you may have to mention the name of keyboard keys in your conversation. Here is the list of common computer keyboard symbols and its meaning in plain English.

Keyboard Symbols Names and Meanings
For programmers, these symbols are essential for their coding purpose. In anyways, for coding purposes, or want to discuss technical problems with an expert, or just want to learn the keyboard symbol names, here is a list of the symbols that commonly available in a computer keyboard.

Types Of Computer Icons

This chart helps you to identify symbols, each keyboard key, and its use. Do you take too much time to complete a task on your computer or on your word processor? To take a screenshot of your desktop you can use the Printscreen button to capture the visible area of your screen. You must learn these essential keyboard shortcuts to use your computer like a pro. You can read keyboard Key Names and Functions of Every Key to know the keyboard key names and its usage. Can you give some other uses of the keyboard symbols?