Wargames Red Dragon Mods

5.4.3 (5.4.3) Updates Sandbox Mod to version 117427 WARNINGS: - Not all components are compatible with the original game. If you install a component with the asterisk (.) beside the name, you should only play multiplayer with people who also have those components installed. I have tried looking online but no one really made any clear easy to read instructions. Yes I know you can only still do 4v4 on the maps but whatever.

Wargame red dragon skin mods
  1. Wargame Red Dragon Enhancment Mod Mod Posted over 6 years ago; 66 downloads; This Mod aims to improve Wargame Red Dragon regarding gameplay, historical accuarcy and fun. Changes are made to adress certain weaknesses some nations/coalitions may posess. This includes stat changes, new units and loadout changes. This version is ins.
  2. Today we are talking to two authors from the Witcher 3 community: wiggolp and Damastor - both of whom have managed to create new quest mods for the game, adding new areas, dialogue, and more! BigBizkit: To start this off, let me ask you, wiggolp, about your mod adding a completely new quest to the game - Ciri’s Sole Memento.
Great Scandinavian War (vanilla 2KW)
    250 starting points.
    Both player and computer get high cohesion
    More air force and AA for computer
    Big battle groups and several specialized, 1:3.6 ratio of units, easy to play
    You are staring with Scandinavian forces. European navy and marines comes from the East and US from the West. You ll also get 82nd Airborne and more tanks and hello groups.
    Some names and descriptions changed
    Adriatic Islands also included in the mod

http://www.mediafire.com/file/o4c2hvcrx ... scandi.rar
Copy/paste NDF file to 510064564 and ZZ to 510061340/510064564
Harder Scandy
    Here is the harder version of the mod
    Ratio is now more than 1:5 in favour of computer
    Player BGs reduced and costs more (refit costs more, too)
    Player BGs that are on the map are mainly Finland BGs and low on morale, action points and cohesion
    Player BGs that are on the map mainly moved south
    All AI BGs have higher morale
    Computer naval BGs reduced a bit

http://www.mediafire.com/file/1p4rvbbe4 ... scandy.rar
Copy/paste NDF file to 510064564 and ZZ to 510061340/510064564
Harder Scandy 30 minutes
    Same as above, but battle time is 30 min and points to destroy AI are 6000. It also affects Adriatic Islands.

http://www.mediafire.com/file/a3876tova ... 30mins.rar
Copy/paste NDF file to 510064564 and ZZ to 510061340/510064564
20170115162408_1.jpg (314.93 KiB) Viewed 19269 times

Climb Mountain - Adriatic Islands - works with current patch
I managed to change Climb Mountain campaign into campaign where YUG and USSR play against UK, FRA and US. Let's say that Yugoslavian forces are trying to liberate several south Adriatic islands previously occupied by NATO in alternative history. I did not bother to change names of BGs or territories, just composition of BGs and cohesion of player which is increased a bit.
It can be rather difficult as game progress.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/wokedrzzh ... +vs+uk.rar
Both NDF and ZZ files go to their latest folders.

Wargame Red Dragon Mods Ac-130

Wargame red dragon mods eugen forumsPrevious thread - Bear vs Dragon, not working with current patch
It did not worked out with Climb Mountain, but it works with Bear campaign.
Thank you all for comments on previous attempts, so here is the one alternative Battle for Montenegro.
Let's say Yugo was invaded by URSS in 80s...captured most of the country, but not whole (especially not Bosnia and Herzegovina). So, when Russian troops based in Montenegro went to military exerciser with new Albanian friends...Yugo sees great opportunity to get one republic back and strikes from Herzegovina and Dalmatia...
Yugo is lower on units, except planes. You get enough points to call in everything immediately and you are good at cohesion. All land BGs have 3 action points so they can move and attack in same turn. Most of computer BGs have planes attached to them. No Vihor or Novi Avion for Yugo, but you get antiship Mi - 14. USSR tanks are better than yours.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/i2i18pgr0 ... enegro.rar
Both NDF (57270) and ZZ files (53208/57270) go to their latest folders

Previous thread - Climb Mountain never worked

Wargame Red Dragon Mods Star Wars

Wargame Red Dragon Mods Mac

I was trying to change Climb Mountain campaign into campaign where YUG and USSR play against UK, FRA, US and ANZ. Let's say that Yugoslavian forces are trying to liberate several south Adriatic islands previously occupied by NATO in alternative history.
Anyway, there are many changes, I played a bit with cohesion, objectives and turned some plane BGs into hello. However, I got few crashes and I am not sure if it is because of modding or because my computer is a bit crazy lately (also in vanilla).
So, if anyone is interested to try to play few battles and see if it works, I would be happy to get feedback before I continue to work on the mod (or smash my computer).
Here is download link:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/m3zc36u1i ... +final.rar
NDF goes to the latest folder and ZZ_Win in 430000587430000609 (but there are no many changes here, so you can even skip it).