Free Zip Code Dma Mapping Software

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  2. Free Zip Code Mapping Tool
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A territory map is a geographic shape defining an area of responsibility. Using best sales territory mapping software, a territory alignment map is typically created by selecting or compiling a list of geographic districts, usually ZIP codes, counties or states. The software allows you to select a group of ZIP codes with a mouse/cursor selection tool or by import of a spreadsheet of preassigned ZIP codes associated with a column of territory names. Territory maps in business mapping software have both a visual color-shaded component and a data sheet view.

Territory Mapper TTG published this program to help marketers in realigning, managing, and monitoring of their company’s sales area. The software features free updates of ZIP code for one year with real-time support from its developers. Free Zip Code Dma Mapping Software Organizations that aren’t financially supported by telecoms see the investment numbers a little differently. An analysis by Free Press provided to attendees to Pai. If you are starting from scratch, we recommend using our Spreadsheet Template to get started with your data, then simply copy the data over to BatchGeo to create a pin map. Validate & set options. We make our best guess at your intended columns like the address, city, state, zip code, or latitude / longitude.

Territory mapping is certainly a popular use case for business mapping software. Territory maps, done correctly, provide a platform for shared business objectives and shared results, potentially driving growth. With MapBusinessOnline it’s easy to map sales territory.

Business map territory assignments are applied to many business applications. We run into a lot of sales and marketing applications for our territory mapping software. Specific sales and marketing applications include:

  • Franchise territory development
  • Manufacturing sales territories
  • Car dealership territories
  • Insurance company customer, claims, and agent territories
  • Healthcare mobile staff territories

To name a few.

The steps to building a ZIP code territory map in business mapping software are:

  • Turn on the ZIP code layer
  • Create a spreadsheet with district column(s) and territory name column – import that list or,
  • Using a polygon search tool to select a group of zip codes and name each territory
  • Adjust the territory as required, adding or removing ZIP codes
  • Manipulate the territory data window view to match your analysis requirements

MapBusinessOnline, an affordable and easy-to-learn cloud-based business mapping option, makes sales territory mapping easy, compelling, and fun. Armed with no more than a laptop and a mouse, you can access, sign up for the FREE trial, and create a territory using the administrative district layer of preference.

Business map users most often apply ZIP codes to online territory mapping. For local and regional business, ZIP codes provide manageable areas of accountability which can be assigned to traveling clinicians, technicians, field agents or sales people. ZIP Codes also serve as convenient map administrative units that a lay person intuitively relates to.

Additional Options

Territories are also often built around county or state geographies. If your business is super local, perhaps located deep in a metropolitan area, you may consider Census Tracts as your best territory base layer. Census Tracts are wicked small, especially in high population areas. I’ve seen home-care orgs use Census tracts to monitor clinician territories, which in metro areas require a lot of subway travel, complicating life in general.

MapBusinessOnline as include MSA’s (Metropolitan Statistical Areas), a Census Bureau designation. These are city focused marketing areas, similar to Nielsen’s DMA’s (which are pretty expensive to license, unfortunately.)

MapBusinessOnline also included City Limits which can be applied to sales territory mapping, if your business is strictly city or town based. The Music Man would have used City limits to track the towns and cities he conned, especially if he franchised the biz.

The Free Form Option

Sometimes companies want to avoid district based territories all together in favor of free-form territories. These approaches use highways, mountains, and rivers as territory boundaries. This can be achieved in MapBusinessOnline by using draw tools to highlight areas manually. Read more about free form territories here.

Territory Analysis

Territory maps generated using business mapping software, include data analysis views that combine disparate data layers into a detailed assessment of a territory’s underlying business DNA. You’ll be able to add population, income and ethnicity layers (to name a few) while appending your own imported business data. Territory data analysis assigns measurable data results to business processes. In this way, whether your map is for sales, healthcare or field services, territory maps drive accountability. A sales rep understands his or her goal, a clinician understands her limit for new referrals in a week.

Territory selection polygons could also be generated by drive time searches. Import a list of home addresses for your sales representatives. Conduct a drive time search from each home location searching 60 minutes in all directions. This drive time query will establish a jagged polygon representing a drive time of one hour along every possible road connection. Next, use this polygon to select your ZIP codes list for territory creation. Now your sales people understand how their proximity to home relates to their territory size. This approach is perfect for controlling travel expenses and minimizing sales overlap.

Your company could also compile preassigned lists of ZIP codes, counties, states, even Census tracts, with a corresponding territory naming column, and directly import such a data sheet into the map to create color shaded territories automatically. Even ex-Microsoft MapPoint users can convert their territories to new business mapping software, by exporting to Excel and importing into their new software. Be sure to download the free Map App which now includes a MapPoint map project converter tool, as well as a free Map Viewer App for non-subscriber map sharing.

Once created and imported, territory maps can be easily adjusted. After all, nothing stays the same for long. You can simply click on ZIP codes, counties, state or Census tracts and add or subtract them from the target territory. Maintenance is as easy as a mouse click.

Territory mapping software is applied by millions of organizations to define areas of responsibility and measure progress against goals and objectives. Territories help to organize business processes for industrial sales, healthcare, field services, retail services, marketing agencies, and subscription managers – to name just a few types of businesses that use territory mapping.

Business mapping software, supporting territory alignment, is so affordable and easily applied today that companies without sales territories often go quietly out of business, never realizing what went wrong. Don’t be that company.

We recommend users access MapBusinessOnline via the downloadable Map App.

The Map App install is fast and easy. The Map App is a cloud-based service, once you’ve logged in you’ll have access to all of your previously saved maps and data. The Map App is a better user experience and provides access to more features than the Web App. The Flash-based Web App link will remain available until December 15, 2020.

The Map App includes the new Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.


MapBusinessOnline – Easy, affordable, advanced and we’ll help

Are you using the MapBusinessOnline Desktop App for MAC or PC? It’s hipper than Instagram and it comes with your subscription. Dump Adobe Flash Player!

Value-Added Resellers – Offer the tool to your customers as a reseller. Make money on training and consulting. Contact us with further interest in reselling MapBusinessOnline.

Free Zip Code Dma Mapping Software Download

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Maptitude territory software gives you a suite of tools useful for creatingterritories for your business mapping needs.Maptitude empowers sales teams with robust territory managementsoftware.

Often a territory is an area that is made up of several smaller areasmerged together. For example, sales territories or market areas might bemade up of groups of postal zones, counties, or other regions. Maptitudehas a territory mapper wizard that can build the territories for you and compute the attributes anddemographics of each one.

You can use Maptitude to create territories based on:

  • a table or Excelspreadsheet of data
  • interactively clicking on features in a map suchas postal areas
  • manually drawing whatever boundary lines yourequire using the Maptitude editing tools.
How CKE manages franchise territories with Maptitude
Buildterritories with the Maptitude territory mapping tools (6:13min)
Createterritory map with ZIP Codes (7:30min)
Free zip code dma mapping software download

It is also possible to createoverlapping territories or territories based on streets. Yourterritories can be stored natively in Maptitude or in formats includingShapefile, Oracle Spatial, or SQL Server Spatial.

Unlike many other mapping and GIS software packages that require usersto purchase data separately, Maptitude is a professional territory mapcreator that includes extensive geographic and demographic data so that you can get started creating territories assoon as you install the software.

  • Define and modify your sales territories based ongeography, demographics, or your corporate revenue orcustomer distribution
  • Group areas to create your own customer trade areas and territory assignments
  • Create overlapping territories
  • Build territories based on drive time, drive distance, or straight-line distances
  • Use intuitive territory design tools to quickly create custom territory maps
  • Improve sales management using territories based on the latest data
  • Supports many file formats including Microsoft Excel and Google Map formats (KML, KMZ)

Maptitude sales territory map software can map territories from smaller areas, such as states and provinces, with your data attached.

Free Zip Code Dma Mapping Software

Traditional Territory Tools

Analysts, managers, and sales teams often start building outtheir locations using traditional mapping tools such as circularrings (buffers) or drive-timezones. Other tools for beginners include certain automaticand manual boundary creation methods:

  • A straight-line distance tool that automatically determines the areasclosest to each of your facilities by building areas ofinfluence (Thiessen Polygons or a Voronoi Diagram), thenestimates the attributes and demographics within each areato identify areas that are under- or over-served or to giveyou a quick visualization of your service areas.
  • A tool for manually creating, adding, moving, or splitting areasby drawing boundary lines. You can also add and edit areas usinglines from features such as roads, railroads, or rivers. Areas innon-native file formats, including Esri Shapefiles and geodatabaseswhich can have overlapping areas, can be edited and Maptitude canautomatically 'snap' overlaps as you edit.

However, as sales regions become more complex or as morefranchises or sales reps are added, it becomes increasinglynecessary to better manage your markets.

Another Maptitude territory mapping tool determines areas of influence based on straight-line distances to identify areas that are under- or over-served.

A Wizard for importing your region, county, or postal datadirectly into a new territory layer
A 'merge-by-value' utility that uses a field already in a table as the basis for creating territories. The areas, such as postal zones, are grouped based on a field that contains the territory codes. The tool automatically computes the attributes of the new areas using any number of additional fields. This tool can also create yourterritories based on data filters and queries. Further, theterritories you create can overlap in as many places as required andcan be visualized using an 'edge' style.

Maptitude sales area mapping software allows you to create overlapping territories and visualize them with an 'edge-based' color theme.

A territory managerfor modifying your territories
Balance yourterritories by population,number of customers, sales volume, or any other variable using point-and-click and lasso tools for choosing thefeatures to move from one territory to another. For each territory you can viewdemographic totals (e.g., high-income earners, households) and acount of the number of combined zones (such as Postal/ZIP Codes). Inaddition, there is control over managing territory overlap.

Sales territory mapping by ZIP Code. Group together ZIP Codes to make ZIP Code territories that are balanced by sales, customers, population, or other valueswith Maptitude territory optimization software.

A street-based territory tool that provides advanced zonecreation capabilities
You can create territories around locationsbased on the time or distance it takes to travel along roads. Suchterritories can be weighted by the size of the facility, the numberof clients, or the amount of revenue, ensuring that the mostsuccessful locations dominate smaller ones proportionately. Thistool also allows the complete assignment of a market to your list oflocations, allowing your probable market coverage, for example, tobe easily visualized by sales representatives.

Maptitude territorymanagement software includes a territory mapping tool for creating street-based territories such as these that are based on the shortest travel time to various stores.

“Maptitude just works! We now build our franchiseterritories with ease. Our organization has benefited fromour ability to strategically plan out prospectiveterritories, gauge market penetration of our activefranchise territories, and begin to identify what our topperforming territories have in common.”

Sean Young
The Glass Guru

We use Maptitude extensively for running complex Territory Alignment scenarios.The depth of the product, its total utility andfunctionality is immense. Import-Export capability withExcel is seamless. It is easy to work with and Maptitudesupport is second to none. My complements to theMaptitude team: They have created a solid product and itis one of the best software investments we have made asan organization.”

Esat Angun
Director - Sales Operations, Octapharma, USA

Automated Territory Creation

Maptitude has tools for automatically creating territories. Theseterritories can be balanced so that they contain equal numbers ofcustomers, sales, population, or any other value.

  • Partitioning organizes postal zones, counties, or otherregions into territories based on proximity or similarity,to produce territories that are contiguous, compact, andbalanced. Partitioning supports service territory alignment,sales and marketing, redistricting, and many otherapplications.
  • Clustering organizes customers, facilities, or areasinto groups that are compact and can be servicedefficiently. Territories can be restricted to a certainsize, such as a customer or population maximum. Clusteringis very flexible and can be used to solve many problems suchas sales force deployment.

The automatic territory creation tools are available free with the latest version of Maptitude.Please contact Caliper Sales at +1 617-527-4700 for more information.

Maptitude territory mapping software can automatically create balanced territories from groups of features

Maptitude territory planning software canautomatically cluster and organize features into compact groups

Create National or International Territories

You can create national territories using your chosen CountryPackage at any of the levels of geography provided. In addition,you can also create maps that span multiple nations or even theentire globe. You can select/lasso entire countries, or justsub-national geographies such as provinces.

Create territoriesfrom any level of geography within a country

Create territoriesfrom countries on a global scale


Example: One of the big issues you face, especially if you are in the franchise industry, is providing fairand balanced 'protected' territories. You want to maximize market potential while avoiding cannibalizing thesales of an existing location. But you may also need to establish such boundaries clearly, to adhere to thelegalities of a sales or franchise agreement. Maptitude allows you to track and balance as many territorycharacteristics as you want, allowing you to better establish, justify, and defend profitable territories.

Sales territory mapping Excel/sales territory mapping Google Maps

How to Use A Sales Territory Manager

The Maptitude Territory Manager contains tools for workingwith and modifying territory layers. For example, an Excel filethat contains information on customers, their addresses, theirsales volume, and the sales territory to which they belong caneasily be used. Once the Excel file has been used to create aterritory layer in the map, you can then use the tools in theTerritory Manager to modify and rebalance the territories, andthen finally to export those changes back to Excel.

Below we walk you through these steps. Alternatively, you canwatch the video here.

Free Zip Code Mapping Tool

First, you use the Maptitude “Create-a-Map Wizard” to createa geocoded point layer of your customers on a map.


Next youstart the Territory Wizard and use either the geocoded point layeror the Excel file to createthe territories, and track the total customersales in each territory. You can also choose to see othervariables such as the population, number of households, ordisposable income in eachterritory. Maptitude adds the territories to your customer mapand opens the Territory Manager. On the territories tab you willsee a list of the territories and the total sales for all thecustomers located in each territory.

Some of the territories mayhave “holes” in them. Such holes are where there are, forexample, ZIP Codes that were not in your Excel file becausethere were no customers located there. You can fix the holes byusing the selection/lasso tools and clicking where the holes inthe territory are to select the underlying ZIP Codes.


You canalso monitor how sales vary by territory and adjust theterritories so that the sales totals are more balanced, trackinghow the sales totals for the territories change as you move ZIPCodes from one territory to another.

The final task is to update the customers with their new territories. You canautomatically compare each customer with the changed territory layer andfill a field with the name of the territory in which thecustomer is now located. You can export all this informationabout the territories back to Excel, including the population,estimated household income, number of households for variousincome ranges, age, racial distribution, and housing data.

There's no betterterritory mapping software at any price. Whyspend more for less?

Zip Code Dma List

See also: SalesMapping Software