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我现在已经不再码代码了,这些东西也都是之前高中的时候的业余作品,实在是没有闲暇时间再去维护,实在是很抱歉(而且我的MacBook Pro还是2011年的这个版本,经历了坑爹的显卡门,没等到召回自己维修了显卡芯片,现在似乎还有一些稳定性的问题,也没有钱. DynamicLyrics for mac这是一款功能上个lesslyrics for mac差不多的Mac OS iTunes歌词软件,lesslyrics for mac能够自动搜索歌词和专辑封面。 写入itunes,甚至还可以手动设置歌词颜色、字体、大小,完美主义者可以试试这款,完全按照你的意愿来显示歌词哦!. A Static MAC address is one that has been manualy input (typed via a command) into the CAM or MAC address table. A dynamic MAC address is one that has been learned via an arp request. For example if a switch learns the MAC address from another device then it has dynamically sourced the MAC address.
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DynamicLyrics, free iTunes assistant designed for u.
345 Objective-Cichm
iChm is a CHM reader for Mac OS X
200 Objective-CSonora
A minimal, beautifully designed music player for OS X.
832 Objective-Cxunlei-lixian-api-PureObjc
120 Objective-Cnewsyc
An iPhone Hacker News client.
1108 Objective-Cdouban-objc-client
Objective-C client library for Douban APIs (OAuth 2.0)
258 Objective-Ciphone-private-frameworks
Headers for private frameworks or undocumented interfaces of iPhoneOS 3.x or before (4.x is not supported yet).
1161 CfakeThunder
fakeThunder is an unofficial Thunder(aka Xunlei) client for OS X.
767 Objective-CiOSOpenDev
636 Objective-Cioctocat
iOctocat v1 - GitHub for iOS (works on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)
1701 Objective-CiOS-OnionBrowser
An open-source, privacy-enhancing web browser for iOS, utilizing the Tor anonymity network
720 Objective-Cwax
Wax is now being maintained by alibaba
1978 CMPlayer-OSX-Extended
MPlayer OSX Extended video player for Mac. Continuation of original MPlayer OSX project, using MPlayer command line as backend.
271 Objective-Cmarkdownlive
Purpose-built Markdown Editor for Mac OS X with Live Preview
478 Clibssh2-for-iOS
A script for compiling libssh2 for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch). The example app can connect to an server with SSH and execute commands.
318 Cv2exmobile
V2EX iPhone Client
114 Objective-Cvienna-rss
Vienna is a freeware, open source RSS/Atom newsreader for the Mac OS X operating system.
630 Objective-CSparkle
A software update framework for macOS James arthur impossible mp3 download.
2851 Objective-Cilua
Example of including Lua in an iOS program.
109 Cxcode-themes
My collection of Xcode themes
“用户也评论了这些应用” -- App Store跨App评论相关性分析脚本
115 PythoniReddit
The iReddit iPhone app
473 Objective-Cgas-preprocessor
Perl script that implements a subset of the GNU as preprocessor that Apple's as doesn't
188 Perltwui
A UI framework for Mac based on Core Animation
2759 Objective-CHexFiend
A fast and clever hex editor for Mac OS X
1214 Objective-Cweibo_ios_sdk_sso-oauth
sina weibo sdk of sso and Oauth2.0
309 CSSprotobuf-objc
Protocol Buffers for Objective C
326 Objective-Ctheos
Unified cross-platform Makefile system.
1111 PerlWeiboSDK
396 Objective-CClipMenu
A clipboard manager for Mac OS X
436 Objective-CMovist
Movie Player for Mac OS X based on QuickTime & FFmpeg. (Fork of original project on Google Code as it seems to have died)
146 Objective-COmniGroup
Source for many of The Omni Group's frameworks
2196 Objective-Ccocoa-rest-client
A free, native Apple OS X app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints
1468 Objective-CApp-Scanner
Developer tool to scan iOS apps for private API usage before submitting to Apple
242 Objective-CWeixin-Mac
微信网页版本的Mac Native的封装和扩展
145 Objective-CWireLurkerDetector
Script for detecting the WireLurker malware family
377 PythonPlaneWar
92 Objective-CPopClip-Extensions
Documentation and source code PopClip extensions.
682 PythonChameleon
Chameleon is a port of Apple's UIKit for iOS (and some minimal related frameworks) to Mac OS X.
2472 Objective-CiFrameExtractor
Extract frames from iPhone videos using the FFMpeg libraries.
434 Objective-COpenUDID
[OpenUDID IS NOW DEPRECATED] Open source initiative for a universal and persistent UDID solution for iOS
1691 Objective-Ciphonesim
Command Line Launcher for the iPhone Simulator
312 Objective-COpenSSL-for-iPhone
A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, AppleTV)
1108 Objective-Clibimobiledevice
A cross-platform protocol library to communicate with iOS devices
1047 CAirLocate
AirLocate shows how to use CLLocationManager to monitor and range CLBeaconRegion.
102 Objective-Cclass-dump
Generate Objective-C headers from Mach-O files.
1221 Objective-CDash-Plugin-for-Xcode
Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Dash documentation viewer app
1485 Objective-CiConsole
In-app console for viewing logs and typing debug commands in iPhone apps
774 Objective-Csafari-json-formatter
A Safari extension which makes valid JSON documents human-readable.
679 JavaScriptObjective-C-HMTL-Parser
An objective c wrapper around libxml for parsing HTML
1005 Objective-CApple-ID-AppleScript
AppleScript to programatically create Apple IDs
114 AppleScriptmacdown
Open source Markdown editor for OS X.
4778 Objective-CPixen
Pixel art editor for Mac OS X
SCU (Squirrel 配置工具)
385 C++StudyiOS
280 Objective-Ccocos2d-objc
Cocos2d for iOS and OS X, built using Objective-C
4030 Objective-CsmcFanControl
Control the fans of every Intel Mac to make it run cooler
737 Objective-Cios-openssl
Port of OpenSSL for iOS
380 CQuicksilver
Quicksilver Mac OS X Project Source
2045 Objective-CCocoaHTTPServer
A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications
3646 Objective-Cwh-app-ios
660 Objective-Csquirrel
【鼠鬚管】Rime Input Method Engine for Mac
979 Objective-Ctelegram
Source code of Telegram for OSX
1079 Objective-CMASPreferences
Modern implementation of the Preferences window for OS X apps, used in TextMate, GitBox and Mou:
566 Objective-Cevernote-sdk-ios
Evernote SDK for iOS
400 Objective-Cvico
Mac Programmers Text Editor
667 Objective-COpenCVForiPhone
OpenCV build for iPhone with example project
231 C++SPDY-for-iPhone
A project to build a spdy client library for the iPhone.
235 Objective-CAudioStreamer
A streaming audio player class (AudioStreamer) for Mac OS X and iPhone.
1649 Objective-CiOS-Universal-Framework
An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
2824 PythoniOS-Best-Practices
Best Practices for iOS Software Design.
Simple Cocoa global hotkeys
322 Objective-CMongoHub-Mac
MongoHub mac native version.
1123 Objective-CLevelDB-ObjC
A minimal wrapper for LevelDB in Objective C Barron 3500 sat words pdf.
147 Objective-CiOS_VPNPlugIn
VPN PlugIn API for iOS
122 Objective-C++WhoCall
谁CALL我 - iOS来电信息语音提醒
767 Objective-Csqlcipher
SQLCipher is an SQLite extension that provides 256 bit AES encryption of database files.
1739 CSFBAudioEngine
A powerful audio playback engine for Mac OS X and iOS
227 C++Simple-Comic
OS X comic viewer
709 Objective-Cobjsqlite
Lightweight Objective-C wrapper for sqlite.
219 Objective-C