Crysis 2 Crack Failed To Initialize The Gamestartup Interface

Hi guys,

CRYSİS 2 HATA(FAILED TO İNİTİALİZE THE GAMESTARTUP INTERFACE). (FAILED TO İNİTİALİZE THE GAMESTARTUP INTERFACE). Oldu ama v1.1 update ysptım ona uygun. Aiuto ragazzi guardate che mi dice quando apro crysis 2: 'Failed to initialize the GameStartup Interface! ' ho provato a crackarlo di nuovo e a patcharlo. Anche a reinstallarlo, ma lo fa lostesso.

Hola gente de la comu, seguro deben estar artos de tantas dudas que tengo sobre el crysis 2, pero las e superado a todas, solo me queda una que le paso a un amigo y lo quiero ayudar, cuando el le hace doble click al exe, osea al acceso directo del juego el icono, le aparece un cartel que le dice lo siguiente Failed to initialize the GameStartup Interface y bueno no se que hacer, les. 'Failed to initialize the GameStartup Interface' when trying to run Crysis 2 demo. Failed to initialize the GameStartup Interface! And nothing happens after clicking the 'OK' button. What causes this problem, and how can I fix it? System specifications: Windows 7 64bit.

recently many of you had problems with launching game after new update. The error says 'Failed to initialize gamestartup interface'.
I have figured out the solution to this error. You just need to place missing file in proper folder. It's pretty simple:
1) Download file Objects_Characters_engineer.pak

Crysis 2 Crack Failed To Initialize The Gamestartup Interface Module

Crysis 2 Crack Failed To Initialize The Gamestartup Interface Warface

  • You can ask your friend who has working game (its located in folder Warface LauncherCrytekwarfacegame).[/*:m:1yjgsklz]
  • Or use my own & tested upload.[/*:m:1yjgsklz]
2) Close Crytek Launcher.
3) Place this file in folder Using<your installation dir>Warface LauncherCrytekwarfacegame.
4) Launch game & enjoy!